My Interventional Radiology Odyssey
J Rösch
Not Available
Herbert Fröhlich
G J Hyland
Wilhelm Ostwald
Charles Olivier and the Rise of Meteor Science
Richard Taibi
The Life, Science and Times of Lev Vasilevich Shubnikov
L J Reinders
The Life of José María Sobral
Mary R Tahan
Giovanni Domenico Cassini
Gabriella Bernardi
Between Two Worlds
Mario Bunge
An Interventional Radiology Odyssey
Josef Rösch
Louis Harold Gray
Sinclair Wynchank
Pathways of a Cell Biologist
Shinya Inoué
Kenneth Warren and the Great Neglected Diseases of Mankind Programme
Conrad Keating
Ettore Majorana
Salvatore Esposito
Harmonies of Disorder
Leone Montagnini
Meghnad Saha
Pramod V Naik
Ma Vie en Noir
Daniel Pedro Cardinali
Willem De Sitter
Jan Guichelaar
Feynman and His Physics
Jörg Resag
Marcel Grossmann
Claudia GrafGrossmann
Judicial Independence
Carl Baudenbacher
Einstein and Heisenberg
Konrad Kleinknecht
Ludwig Prandtl
Michael Eckert
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Gerd Rosenbusch and 1 more
Imperial Biologists
Hideo Mohri
The Laser Inventor
Theodore H Maiman
Obsessed by a Dream
Aashild Sorheim
On the Waves of a Pulsating World
Vladimir Babitsky
Pioneer of Galactic Astronomy
Pieter C van der Kruit
Pioneer and Master of Galactic Astronomy
Going for Cold
J G Weisend and 1 more
Sophie Germain
Dora Musielak
Jayme Tiomno
William Dean Brewer and 1 more
Outbreak in the Village
Douglas Jenkinson
Reflections on a United Nations' Career
Ian Howie
Laura Bassi–The World's First Woman Professor in Natural Philosophy
Luisa Cifarelli
Pioneer of Galactic Astronomy: A Biography of Jacobus C. Kapteyn
J G Weisend II and 1 more
Master of Galactic Astronomy: A Biography of Jan Hendrik Oort
William Shockley
Bo Lojek
Gregor Mendel - The Scientist
Anna Matalová and 1 more
Arthur E. Haas - The Hidden Pioneer of Quantum Mechanics
Michael Wiescher
Passion for Excellence
Haralampos M Moutsopoulos
Psychiatry and the Human Condition
Roberta Passione
Karl Popper
Friedel Weinert
Denis Burkitt
John H Cummings
Max Von Laue
J Lemmerich
The Flying Man
Markus Raffel and 1 more
Denise Scott Brown
Biljana Arandelovic
Kurt Gödel
William D Brewer
Jan Gösta Waldenström and His World
Frank A Wollheim
William Frederick Denning
Martin Beech
People, Places, and Mathematics
Thomas Ward
William Dawes
Richard de Grijs and 1 more
Ralph Edwards
Ian Hembrow
Herwig Schopper
Herwig Schopper and 1 more
My Mathematical Life
Yuan Wang
Flight Not Improbable
Simine Short
Parallel Lives of Astronomers
William Sheehan
H M Moutsopoulos